- Start the Instances
- Create 2 roles: (a) EC2 full access (b) SSM full access
- Go to and then search for Enterprise Application.
- Search for Team CVoter and then go to user and group.
- Select the user and assign the role that you have created in step 1.
- Now in AWS console search for SSM.
- Now go to the Maintenance Windows Section and enable it from action menu.
- Select the windows ID and go to the targets. You can choose the particular instance manually, you want to update.
- Edit the Description Section to Schedule the Scan Process.
- Now give the name: cvotermw01, and in schedule section select the CRON/Rate Expression.
- Give the time in UTC (in cron expression) and give the 2 hours duration in maintenance windows duration.
- Save the Changes.
- Now go to the Task Section.
- Now select the Window task ID and edit it.
- In Parameter Section Choose the Scan Option and leave other as default
- Now run the edit run command task.
- After the Scanning process you can see the available patches or updates in view details -History section.
- Mail the client and give the information about the available patches.
- Have to follow the same procedure for the installation of the patches, Only you have to change the parameters action to install in Task section.
- In History you can see the status Change to SUCCESS from PENDING.
- Select the ID and View the details, Download the patches that has been installed and mail the client.
- Finally stop the Instances.